In my first blog post, I thought I would share some of the books that have inspired me throughout the years.  Ever since I was a child, I loved going through knitting, crocheting and sewing books.  I felt like there was so much to learn and I wanted to learn it all.

1. I Taught Myself Knitting by Boye

I was probably about 10 years old when I taught myself how to knit by following the “I Taught Myself Knitting” guide.  I think it was the special section for left-handed people like me that really got my attention.  What’s amazing is that I really learned how to knit by following this book and this was all before the days of amazing YouTube knitting/crocheting tutorials.

70s knitting and crocheting books


2.  The Vogue/Butterick Step-by-Step Guide to Sewing Techniques

My mom gifted me with this book when I started design school.  As you can tell, it is well loved and used.  The step-by-step guide truly helped me when I was a beginner sewer and I still reference it when I have a sewing question.

vogue sewing book


3. Patternmaking for Fashion Design by Helen Joseph-Armstrong

I was fortunate to have found this amazing patternmaking book at a stoop sale in Brooklyn for $2.  You would have thought I found a million dollars when I came across this book. I was so excited.

patternmaking book

4.  Draping for Fashion Design by Hilde Jaffe and Nurie Relis

This was a book that I had to buy for my first draping class at FIT. You can see it was expensive even back in September 2002 at $56.25, but I have definitely gotten my money’s worth.

fashion draping book

5.  The Spec Manual by Michele Wesen Bryant and Diane DeMers

I was fortunate to have Diane DeMers as my professor at FIT.  I loved watching this woman do flat sketches by hand.  As a technical designer, this book has been a wonderful resource for learning about POMs (Points of Measurements), spec sheets, and how to measure illustrations.  It also comes with front and back view croquis figures for missy, petite, plus, men, juniors, preteens, children, toddlers, and one-year-olds.

technical design - spec manual book

6.  Illustrating Fashion Concept to Creation by Steven Stipelman

I also had the great pleasure to have this author, Steven Stipelman, as my professor at FIT.  It was absolutely awe-inspiring to watch Professor Stipelman sketch fashion illustrations.  He sketched with such ease and grace; and the way he taught made you feel inspired to create something beautiful and to let go of any fear of sketching.  Believe me, I had fear of sketching…I still do a bit, but this book always gives me the courage to try and practice new techniques.

fashion illustration book

If you are interested in any of these books, I have provided the links below.

Keep learning, keep creating, keep having FUN!!


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